Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Tuesday with Blammer: The party you just keep missing

Tuesday with Blammer is quickly becoming the party of the early part of the week in Seattle. This gathering consists of primarily Seattle rock musicians along with friends and family and is a tradition started by Blake Madden of the now defunct Hotels and now funked Beach Dick. They’re dudes, they’re going to be a little funky.  It happens one Tuesday a month at various homes around the city. This month it was hosted by locomotive punk band NighTraiN’s bass player, Selena Whitaker Paquiet, at her lovely blue home the Mlkywayhouse in the Central District neighborhood.
This event may have been the best Blammer party yet and here’s why.

The secret to a stellar Tuesday night party is making sure you have a few things in place:

  1. Great Food
If you missed last nights party then you missed Vanessa Kaywood’s Creole “vegan chicken” Quiche, Cornbread and Green Gumbo, Selena’s Red Beans and Rice, Vegan Chocolate cupcakes, an incredible vegan chocolate cake (who made it?), some Milky Way’s courtesy of Rich Allen and the nice bowl of cat food next to those. All of those things were amazing; I went back for thirds on that quiche. However, the hit of the night was Dermot McErlain’s Central District Famous Ribs. There was not a single carnivore in the room without sauce marring their once pristine faces. What should have been required were some bibs, as shirts were defenseless against the smooth, rich sauce. These ribs were deadly addictive and need a warning stating that you may never be satisfied by “others” ribs again.
 “Ribs! Ribs! Ribs!” can still be heard reverberating throughout the Central District shadows. Good one McErlain. Good one.

  1. Good Company
Who likes to be at a party with people that suck? Not many of us that’s for sure. Maybe Perez Hilton because that means he’ll get a lot of good gossip out of it. As for me I have a particular blend of people I enjoy; smart, sexy, talented, salt of the earth people and that’s what I got last night.

Tuesday with Blammer brings a solid crowd of people that even your mom would want to hang out with. They are friendly and like to dance. For anyone unfamiliar with Seattle this is a delightful combination because generally Seattle is the subdued, thoughtful, timid friend that you always drag to parties in hopes they’ll have a good time and meet someone new, but undoubtedly ends up the weeping wallflower complaining at the end of the night.

What generally happens at these parties is people from differing friend groups are invited but they’re all really cool. You meet them, they meet you, facebook friend requests are sent, you seem them at other parties and then sometimes these friendships turn into real ones.

  1. Bands with stellar names that also have of equal quality music to those names
Two bands played last night. It was kicked off by a one night only reprise of Snake Bite, a now defunct band as Sky left to pursue life over on the other coast in New York. Their music is described as “upbeat straight rock with sweet heartbreaking vocals” by NighTraiN lead vocalist Rachael Ferguson. After listening to them, I'm more than a little angry that they're no longer a band. What teases!

The musical section was dotted by BeachDick, a band fronted by Blake “Dick Beach” Madden, with Brendan "Danny Paradise" Malec on guitar and Aaron "Ronnie Reacharound" Voros on drums. A self described surf punk crunkwave band they hail from all over but now live on the eco-friendly streets of Seattle. They had a ridiculous amount of energy and showed it off in some thrift store swim trunks, tank tops, and flip flops.
I actually felt like I was listening to waves lap the shore from a Santa Cruz beach bungalow, waiting for someone to pass the weed. It was good, really good. So much better than I expected.
Listen to them here and feel a wave coming on: BeachDick

  1. Someone that will post your every moment to facebook, twitter, instagram, tumblr
After a good party, a lot of people are going to forget what happened the night before and so you need to have some documentation. The easiest way to get this is to have one or more people with some kind of phone- the smarter the better, downloaded apps, hands, and eyes. They will be responsible for taking all the important pics; every piece of food on the table, people eating that food, funny moments, drunk stumbles, knick knacks, and more.
This will all be uploaded to one of the aforementioned sites and blam! Everyone will henceforward know that you 1. have friends 2. they invited you to an awesome party 3. that you had fun on a school night.  

Am I telling you that you should be at this event next time it happens? Well I’m telling some of you, but not all of you. Yes, this is by far one of the best events of the month, but there will be a tipping point where there are too many people and it becomes a loud and raucous party, which is not what we are about.

What I want for you is for you to start your own like minded tradition. Have a dinner with friends. Not just 4 or 5. You already know them! You can do that anytime! Start a dinner that includes 10 or more people; people that maybe you don’t know but a friend does and it might make you feel a little uncomfortable to meet.

I want you to get out of your comfort zone and meet new people and have a damn good time doing it. It doesn’t meet you have to meet a new bestie because I’m sure your bestie is already awesome enough. This is just a chance for you to get out and explore some of the other awesome people in your city, besides it’s no secret anymore that socializing is good for your health and increases life longevity.

I would like to give special thanks to Mr. Madden for starting this tradition, to Chef Kaywood (a real honest to goodness Vegan Chef with mouthwatering food to die for), Miss Paquiet and Mr. McErlain for hosting and cooking some delicious food, all the participating musicians, and all the people that made it out last night for making my early part of the week at the end of the shortest month of the year f’ng awesome. Till next month Blammers!

Creepy mustache dude with a beer cozy + a hot girl

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