Thursday, February 7, 2013

This is just the beginning

5 am has almost got the best of me these days. I’m not used to early mornings where the birds have yet to chirp because it’s just not fucking time for the world to wake up.
Right now I’m waking up for a temp job at a ship yard down by Lake Union. It doesn’t pay much, it has almost shitty hours… the upside is I get off at 3, and the scenery is by far some of the best with ample views of ships, sky - though it generally be gray, lapping water, and the Space Needle.
One of the owners of the company took me on an hour long tour my very first day here within my first two hours of working. We walked beneath the SS something or other on the drydock and I momentarily hesitated and wondered oh shit what if the walls give way and flood us out? What if the boat isn’t anchored properly, I stumble on one of these lines connected to it and it topples over on us all? Needless to say, neither occurred and I’m still living.
I have approximately an hour and a half of actual work to accomplish while I’m here. I’m doing the bare minimum because that’s all they need right now- it’s a temp job.

What have I been doing with my spare 6.5 hours during the day? Well… most of those hours have been fairly productive.
  1. Starting my application for an internship at This American Life.
  2. Applying for other more fruitful jobs.
  3. Writing Blogs
  4. Creating a seminar for The Women who Rock Conference.
  5. Continuing TAL application
  6. Inventing new titles for my mostly unfinished memoir.
  7. Drinking coffee because I’m so fucking tired from waking up at 5 in the morning.
  8. Daily stretches because my chair is hard and killing my neck, back, shoulders, tailbone.
  9. Did I mention the TAL app?

Okay well as you can see my extra hours are not wasted. I’ve actually been more productive in just the last four days than I believe I’ve been the last 6 months. It’s funny how getting out of the house can garner up creativity and drive that had gone missing in action for awhile.   

What’s up with this TAL application you ask? Well, it’s something I’m doing. I’m putting all my eggs in one basket. Okay, I'm not actually doing that. I’m fully aware that this is a lucrative internship and everyone and their mom is applying for it. What I’ve learned thus far from completing the app:
1.      What I thought was stunted creativity is actually just a bunch of underused brain mush that begins solidifying as it’s cooked, much like a chocolate cake - I would like a gluten free one of these please.
2.      I should be pursuing something creatively, if not TAL, then anything where I’m getting to write, market, consult and talk on endlessly about the inanities of life in a profound way.
3.      That I type faster than my brain is working, much faster.
4.      That I’m going to be a little pissed at Ira if he doesn’t take me, but it won’t be the end of the world. I’ll likely just write him a strongly worded letter about what a huge mistake he’s made, likely insert a worm and hope that he gets the reference.
5.      That I can actually be focused. Yup, when you want something really badly it makes it that much easier to focus.
6.      Maybe I should pursue podcasting on my own – I have done a series of interviews with friends to prepare myself for said internship and it has been one of the most enjoyable things I’ve done as of late. Deeply informative, entertaining, and has made me reassess my own personal beliefs. These need to go on if not for anyone else's but my own. There will be posts of each of these interviews as the podcasts are release (please stay tuned for these in early March).

Well... it looks like the clock is hitting 3pm in just a second, which means I’m out now everyone! Enjoy your day and visit This American Life to see the application process for interning there or just listen to one of their amazing podcasts. Please cross your fingers, dot your i’s and say some prayers for me because strangely enough I really do want to work my ass off there for 50-60 hours a week for six months. 

Questions? Write me at

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